What is in the API?

The formal definition of the PLplot C API is everything that is defined in the include file plplot.h. This includes all the function prototypes, the defined structures and the semantics of the constants. The list of symbols currently exported by the shared library libplplot.h that are declared in plplot.h is the following:

plAlloc2dGrid           plgcol0                 plscmap1_range
plClearOpts             plgcol0a                plscmap1a
plFindCommand           plgcolbg                plscmap1l
plFindName              plgcolbga               plscmap1la
plFree2dGrid            plgcompression          plscmap1n
plGetCursor             plgdev                  plscol0
plGetFlt                plgdidev                plscol0a
plGetInt                plgdiori                plscolbg
plGetName               plgdiplt                plscolbga
plMergeOpts             plgdrawmode             plscolor
plMinMax2dGrid          plgesc                  plscompression
plOptUsage              plgfam                  plsdev
plResetOpts             plgfci                  plsdevdata
plSetUsage              plgfile                 plsdidev
plStatic2dGrid          plgfnam                 plsdimap
plTranslateCursor       plgfont                 plsdiori
pl_cmd                  plglevel                plsdiplt
pl_setcontlabelformat   plgpage                 plsdiplz
pl_setcontlabelparam    plgra                   plsdrawmode
pladv                   plgradient              plseed
plarc                   plgriddata              plseopH
plaxes                  plgspa                  plsesc
plbin                   plgstrm                 plsetopt
plbop                   plgver                  plsexit
plbox                   plgvpd                  plsfam
plbox3                  plgvpw                  plsfci
plbtime                 plgxax                  plsfile
plcalc_world            plgyax                  plsfnam
plclear                 plgzax                  plsfont
plcol0                  plhist                  plshade
plcol1                  plhlsrgb                plshades
plcolorbar              plimage                 plslabelfunc
plconfigtime            plimagefr               plsmaj
plcont                  plinit                  plsmem
plcpstrm                pljoin                  plsmema
plctime                 pllab                   plsmin
pldid2pc                pllegend                plsori
pldip2dc                pllightsource           plspage
plend                   plline                  plspal0
plend1                  plline3                 plspal1
plenv                   pllsty                  plspause
plenv0                  plmap                   plsstrm
pleop                   plmapfill               plssub
plerrx                  plmapline               plssym
plerry                  plmapstring             plstar
plf2eval                plmaptex                plstart
plf2eval1               plmeridians             plstransform
plf2eval2               plmesh                  plstring
plf2evalr               plmeshc                 plstring3
plf2ops_c               plmkstrm                plstripa
plf2ops_grid_c          plmtex                  plstripc
plf2ops_grid_col_major  plmtex3                 plstripd
plf2ops_grid_row_major  plot3d                  plstyl
plfamadv                plot3dc                 plsurf3d
plfcont                 plot3dcl                plsurf3dl
plfgriddata             plparseopts             plsvect
plfill                  plpat                   plsvpa
plfill3                 plpath                  plsxax
plfimage                plpoin                  plsxwin
plfimagefr              plpoin3                 plsyax
plflush                 plpoly3                 plsym
plfmesh                 plprec                  plszax
plfmeshc                plpsty                  pltext
plfont                  plptex                  pltimefmt
plfontld                plptex3                 pltr0
plfplot3d               plrandd                 pltr1
plfplot3dc              plreplot                pltr2
plfplot3dcl             plrgbhls                pltr2f
plfshade                plsButtonEH             pltr2p
plfshade1               plsError                plvasp
plfshades               plsKeyEH                plvect
plfsurf3d               plsabort                plvpas
plfsurf3dl              plsbopH                 plvpor
plfvect                 plschr                  plvsta
plgDevs                 plscmap0                plw3d
plgFileDevs             plscmap0a               plwidth
plgchr                  plscmap0n               plwind
plgcmap1_range          plscmap1                plxormod

Another important aspect of compatibility regard the Application Binary Interface (ABI). Backwards compatibility can be broken by changes in the C structures made public through plplot.h. Currently, they are:

typedef struct
    int ( *handler )( PLCHAR_VECTOR, PLCHAR_VECTOR, PLPointer );
    PLPointer     client_data;
    PLPointer     var;
    long          mode;
    PLCHAR_VECTOR syntax;
} PLOptionTable;

typedef struct
    int          type;              // of event (CURRENTLY UNUSED)
    unsigned int state;             // key or button mask
    unsigned int keysym;            // key selected
    unsigned int button;            // mouse button selected
    PLINT        subwindow;         // subwindow (alias subpage, alias subplot) number
    char         string[PL_MAXKEY]; // translated string
    int          pX, pY;            // absolute device coordinates of pointer
    PLFLT        dX, dY;            // relative device coordinates of pointer
    PLFLT        wX, wY;            // world coordinates of pointer
} PLGraphicsIn;

typedef struct
    PLFLT dxmi, dxma, dymi, dyma;       // min, max window rel dev coords
    PLFLT wxmi, wxma, wymi, wyma;       // min, max window world coords
} PLWindow;

typedef struct
    unsigned int x, y;                  // upper left hand corner
    unsigned int width, height;         // window dimensions
} PLDisplay;

typedef struct
    PLINT            nx, ny, nz;
} PLfGrid;

typedef struct
    PLINT           nx, ny;
} PLfGrid2;

typedef struct
    PLFLT_NC_FE_POINTER xg, yg, zg;
    PLINT nx, ny, nz;
} PLcGrid;

typedef struct
    PLFLT_NC_MATRIX xg, yg, zg;
    PLINT           nx, ny;
} PLcGrid2;

typedef struct
    unsigned char r;            // red
    unsigned char g;            // green
    unsigned char b;            // blue
    PLFLT         a;            // alpha (or transparency)
} PLColor;

typedef struct
    PLFLT c1;                   // hue or red
    PLFLT c2;                   // lightness or green
    PLFLT c3;                   // saturation or blue
    PLFLT p;                    // position
    PLFLT a;                    // alpha (or transparency)
    int   alt_hue_path;         // if set, interpolate through h=0
} PLControlPt;

typedef struct
    PLINT cmd;
    PLINT result;
} PLBufferingCB;

typedef struct
    PLFLT exp_label_disp;
    PLFLT exp_label_pos;
    PLFLT exp_label_just;
} PLLabelDefaults;

typedef struct
    PLFLT ( *get )( PLPointer p, PLINT ix, PLINT iy );
    PLFLT ( *set )( PLPointer p, PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLFLT z );
    PLFLT ( *add )( PLPointer p, PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLFLT z );
    PLFLT ( *sub )( PLPointer p, PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLFLT z );
    PLFLT ( *mul )( PLPointer p, PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLFLT z );
    PLFLT ( *div )( PLPointer p, PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLFLT z );
    PLINT ( *is_nan )( PLPointer p, PLINT ix, PLINT iy );
    void ( *minmax )( PLPointer p, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR zmin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR zmax );
    // f2eval is backwards compatible signature for "f2eval" functions that
    // existed before plf2ops "operator function families" were used.
    PLFLT ( *f2eval )( PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer p );
} plf2ops_t;

typedef struct
    size_t    size;
    PLPointer buffer;
} plbuffer;