PLplot  5.15.0
plstream Member List

This is the complete list of members for plstream, including all inherited members.

adv(PLINT page)plstream
Alloc2dGrid(PLFLT_NC_MATRIX *f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)plstream
arc(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT a, PLFLT b, PLFLT angle1, PLFLT angle2, PLFLT rotate, PLBOOL fill)plstream
axes(PLFLT x0, PLFLT y0, const char *xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, const char *yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub)plstream
bin(PLINT nbin, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, PLINT center)plstream
box(const char *xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, const char *yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub)plstream
box3(const char *xopt, const char *xlabel, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nsubx, const char *yopt, const char *ylabel, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nsuby, const char *zopt, const char *zlabel, PLFLT ztick, PLINT nsubz)plstream
btime(PLINT &year, PLINT &month, PLINT &day, PLINT &hour, PLINT &min, PLFLT &sec, PLFLT ctime)plstream
calc_world(PLFLT rx, PLFLT ry, PLFLT &wx, PLFLT &wy, PLINT &window)plstream
cmd(PLINT op, void *ptr)plstream
col(PLcolor c)plstream
col0(PLINT icol0)plstream
col1(PLFLT c)plstream
colorbar(PLFLT *p_colorbar_width, PLFLT *p_colorbar_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT x_length, PLFLT y_length, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLFLT low_cap_color, PLFLT high_cap_color, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLINT n_labels, PLINT *label_opts, const char *const *label, PLINT n_axes, const char *const *axis_opts, PLFLT *ticks, PLINT *sub_ticks, PLINT *n_values, const PLFLT *const *values)plstream
configtime(PLFLT scale, PLFLT offset1, PLFLT offset2, PLINT ccontrol, PLBOOL ifbtime_offset, PLINT year, PLINT month, PLINT day, PLINT hour, PLINT min, PLFLT sec)plstream
cont(const PLFLT *const *f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)plstream
cpstrm(plstream &pls, bool flags)plstream
ctime(PLINT year, PLINT month, PLINT day, PLINT hour, PLINT min, PLFLT sec, PLFLT &ctime)plstream
did2pc(PLFLT &xmin, PLFLT &ymin, PLFLT &xmax, PLFLT &ymax)plstream
dip2dc(PLFLT &xmin, PLFLT &ymin, PLFLT &xmax, PLFLT &ymax)plstream
env(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLINT just, PLINT axis)plstream
env0(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLINT just, PLINT axis)plstream
errx(PLINT n, const PLFLT *xmin, const PLFLT *xmax, const PLFLT *y)plstream
erry(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *ymin, const PLFLT *ymax)plstream
f2eval(PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data)plstream
f2eval2(PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data)plstream
f2evalr(PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data)plstream
fcont(PLFLT(*f2eval)(PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer f2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)plstream
fill(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y)plstream
fill3(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *z)plstream
FindCommand(char *fn)plstream
FindName(char *p)plstream
font(PLINT ifont)plstream
fontld(PLINT fnt)plstream
Free2dGrid(PLFLT **f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)plstream
fshade(PLFLT(*f2eval)(PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer f2eval_data, PLFLT(*c2eval)(PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer c2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT left, PLFLT right, PLFLT bottom, PLFLT top, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, PLFILL_callback fill, bool rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)plstream
gchr(PLFLT &p_def, PLFLT &p_ht)plstream
gcmap1_range(PLFLT &min_color, PLFLT &max_color)plstream
gcol0(PLINT icol0, PLINT &r, PLINT &g, PLINT &b)plstream
gcol0a(PLINT icol0, PLINT &r, PLINT &g, PLINT &b, PLFLT &a)plstream
gcolbg(PLINT &r, PLINT &g, PLINT &b)plstream
gcolbga(PLINT &r, PLINT &g, PLINT &b, PLFLT &a)plstream
gcompression(PLINT &compression)plstream
gdev(char *devname)plstream
gdidev(PLFLT &mar, PLFLT &aspect, PLFLT &jx, PLFLT &jy)plstream
gdiori(PLFLT &rot)plstream
gdiplt(PLFLT &xmin, PLFLT &ymin, PLFLT &xmax, PLFLT &ymax)plstream
gesc(char *p_esc)plstream
GetCursor(PLGraphicsIn *plg)plstream
GetFlt(char *s)plstream
GetInt(char *s)plstream
GetName(char *dir, char *subdir, char *filename, char **filespec)plstream
gfam(PLINT &fam, PLINT &num, PLINT &bmax)plstream
gfci(PLUNICODE &pfci)plstream
gfile(FILE **p_file)plstream
gFileDevs(const char ***p_menustr, const char ***p_devname, int *p_ndev)plstream
gfnam(char *fnam)plstream
gfont(PLINT &family, PLINT &style, PLINT &weight)plstream
glevel(PLINT &p_level)plstream
gpage(PLFLT &xp, PLFLT &yp, PLINT &xleng, PLINT &yleng, PLINT &xoff, PLINT &yoff)plstream
gradient(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, PLFLT angle)plstream
griddata(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *z, PLINT npts, const PLFLT *xg, PLINT nptsx, const PLFLT *yg, PLINT nptsy, PLFLT **zg, PLINT type, PLFLT data)plstream
gspa(PLFLT &xmin, PLFLT &xmax, PLFLT &ymin, PLFLT &ymax)plstream
gver(char *p_ver)plstream
gvpd(PLFLT &xmin, PLFLT &xmax, PLFLT &ymin, PLFLT &ymax)plstream
gvpw(PLFLT &xmin, PLFLT &xmax, PLFLT &ymin, PLFLT &ymax)plstream
gxax(PLINT &digmax, PLINT &digits)plstream
gyax(PLINT &digmax, PLINT &digits)plstream
gzax(PLINT &digmax, PLINT &digits)plstream
hist(PLINT n, const PLFLT *data, PLFLT datmin, PLFLT datmax, PLINT nbin, PLINT oldwin)plstream
hlsrgb(PLFLT h, PLFLT l, PLFLT s, PLFLT *p_r, PLFLT *p_g, PLFLT *p_b)plstream
image(const PLFLT *const *data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT Dxmin, PLFLT Dxmax, PLFLT Dymin, PLFLT Dymax)plstream
imagefr(const PLFLT *const *data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT valuemin, PLFLT valuemax, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)plstream
join(PLFLT x1, PLFLT y1, PLFLT x2, PLFLT y2)plstream
lab(const char *xlabel, const char *ylabel, const char *tlabel)plstream
legend(PLFLT *p_legend_width, PLFLT *p_legend_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT plot_width, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLINT nrow, PLINT ncolumn, PLINT nlegend, const PLINT *opt_array, PLFLT text_offset, PLFLT text_scale, PLFLT text_spacing, PLFLT text_justification, const PLINT *text_colors, const char *const *text, const PLINT *box_colors, const PLINT *box_patterns, const PLFLT *box_scales, const PLFLT *box_line_widths, const PLINT *line_colors, const PLINT *line_styles, const PLFLT *line_widths, const PLINT *symbol_colors, const PLFLT *symbol_scales, const PLINT *symbol_numbers, const char *const *symbols)plstream
lightsource(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT z)plstream
line(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y)plstream
line3(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *z)plstream
lsty(PLINT lin)plstream
map(PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, const char *name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy)plstream
mapfill(PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, const char *name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT *plotentries, PLINT nplotentries)plstream
mapline(PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, const char *name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT *plotentries, PLINT nplotentries)plstream
mapstring(PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, const char *name, const char *string, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT *plotentries, PLINT nplotentries)plstream
maptex(PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, const char *name, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, const char *text, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, PLINT plotentry)plstream
MergeOpts(PLOptionTable *options, const char *name, const char **notes)plstream
meridians(PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, PLFLT dlong, PLFLT dlat, PLFLT minlong, PLFLT maxlong, PLFLT minlat, PLFLT maxlat)plstream
mesh(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt)plstream
meshc(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel)plstream
MinMax2dGrid(PLFLT_MATRIX f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT *fmax, PLFLT *fmin)plstream
mtex(const char *side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, const char *text)plstream
mtex3(const char *side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, const char *text)plstream
operator=(const plstream &)plstreamprivate
parseopts(int *p_argc, char **argv, PLINT mode)plstream
pat(PLINT nlin, const PLINT *inc, const PLINT *del)plstream
path(PLINT n, PLFLT x1, PLFLT y1, PLFLT x2, PLFLT y2)plstream
plot3d(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, bool side)plstream
plot3dc(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel)plstream
plot3dcl(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT ixstart, PLINT ixn, const PLINT *indexymin, const PLINT *indexymax)plstream
plstream(const plstream &)plstreamprivate
plstream(plstream *pls)plstream
plstream(PLS::stream_id sid, PLINT strm=0)plstream
plstream(PLINT _stream)plstreaminline
plstream(PLINT nx, PLINT ny, const char *driver=NULL, const char *file=NULL)plstream
plstream(PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b, const char *driver=NULL, const char *file=NULL)plstream
poin(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, PLINT code)plstream
poin3(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *z, PLINT code)plstream
poly3(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *z, const bool *draw, bool ifcc)plstream
prec(PLINT setp, PLINT prec)plstream
psty(PLINT patt)plstream
ptex(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, const char *text)plstream
ptex3(PLFLT wx, PLFLT wy, PLFLT wz, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT dz, PLFLT sx, PLFLT sy, PLFLT sz, PLFLT just, const char *text)plstream
rgbhls(PLFLT r, PLFLT g, PLFLT b, PLFLT *p_h, PLFLT *p_l, PLFLT *p_s)plstream
sbopH(void(*handler)(void *, int *), void *handlier_data)plstream
schr(PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)plstream
scmap0(const PLINT *r, const PLINT *g, const PLINT *b, PLINT ncol0)plstream
scmap0a(const PLINT *r, const PLINT *g, const PLINT *b, const PLFLT *a, PLINT ncol0)plstream
scmap0n(PLINT ncol0)plstream
scmap1(const PLINT *r, const PLINT *g, const PLINT *b, PLINT ncol1)plstream
scmap1_range(PLFLT min_color, PLFLT max_color)plstream
scmap1a(const PLINT *r, const PLINT *g, const PLINT *b, const PLFLT *a, PLINT ncol1)plstream
scmap1l(bool itype, PLINT npts, const PLFLT *intensity, const PLFLT *coord1, const PLFLT *coord2, const PLFLT *coord3, const bool *alt_hue_path=NULL)plstream
scmap1la(bool itype, PLINT npts, const PLFLT *intensity, const PLFLT *coord1, const PLFLT *coord2, const PLFLT *coord3, const PLFLT *a, const bool *alt_hue_path=NULL)plstream
scmap1n(PLINT ncol1)plstream
scol0(PLINT icol0, PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b)plstream
scol0a(PLINT icol0, PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b, PLFLT a)plstream
scolbg(PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b)plstream
scolbga(PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b, PLFLT a)plstream
scolor(PLINT color)plstream
scompression(PLINT compression)plstream
sdev(const char *devname)plstream
sdevdata(void *data)plstream
sdidev(PLFLT mar, PLFLT aspect, PLFLT jx, PLFLT jy)plstream
sdimap(PLINT dimxmin, PLINT dimxmax, PLINT dimymin, PLINT dimymax, PLFLT dimxpmm, PLFLT dimypmm)plstream
sdiori(PLFLT rot)plstream
sdiplt(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymax)plstream
sdiplz(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymax)plstream
seed(unsigned int s)plstream
seopH(void(*handler)(void *, int *), void *handlier_data)plstream
sError(PLINT *errcode, char *errmsg)plstream
sesc(char esc)plstream
setcontlabelformat(PLINT lexp, PLINT sigdig)plstream
setcontlabelparam(PLFLT offset, PLFLT size, PLFLT spacing, PLINT active)plstream
setopt(const char *opt, const char *optarg)plstream
SetOpt(const char *opt, const char *optarg)plstream
SetUsage(char *program_string, char *usage_string)plstream
sexit(int(*handler)(const char *))plstream
sfam(PLINT fam, PLINT num, PLINT bmax)plstream
sfci(PLUNICODE fci)plstream
sfile(FILE *file)plstream
sfnam(const char *fnam)plstream
sfont(PLINT family, PLINT style, PLINT weight)plstream
shade(const PLFLT *const *a, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLDEFINED_callback defined, PLFLT left, PLFLT right, PLFLT bottom, PLFLT top, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, PLFILL_callback fill, bool rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)plstream
shade(Contourable_Data &d, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, bool rectangular, Coord_Xformer *pcxf)plstream
shades(const PLFLT *const *a, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLDEFINED_callback defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLFLT fill_width, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLFILL_callback fill, bool rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)plstream
sKeyEH(void(*KeyEH)(PLGraphicsIn *, void *, int *), void *KeyEH_data)plstream
slabelfunc(PLLABEL_FUNC_callback label_func, PLPointer label_data)plstream
smaj(PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)plstream
smem(PLINT maxx, PLINT maxy, void *plotmem)plstream
smema(PLINT maxx, PLINT maxy, void *plotmem)plstream
smin(PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)plstream
sori(PLINT ori)plstream
spage(PLFLT xp, PLFLT yp, PLINT xleng, PLINT yleng, PLINT xoff, PLINT yoff)plstream
spal0(const char *filename)plstream
spal1(const char *filename, bool interpolate=true)plstream
spause(bool pause)plstream
sstrm(PLINT strm)plstream
ssub(PLINT nx, PLINT ny)plstream
ssym(PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)plstream
star(PLINT nx, PLINT ny)plstream
start(const char *devname, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)plstream
Static2dGrid(PLFLT_NC_MATRIX zIliffe, PLFLT_VECTOR zStatic, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)plstream
stransform(PLTRANSFORM_callback coordinate_transform, PLPointer coordinate_transform_data)plstream
string(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const char *string)plstream
string3(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *z, const char *string)plstream
stripa(PLINT id, PLINT pen, PLFLT x, PLFLT y)plstream
stripc(PLINT *id, const char *xspec, const char *yspec, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT xjump, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT xlpos, PLFLT ylpos, bool y_ascl, bool acc, PLINT colbox, PLINT collab, const PLINT colline[], const PLINT styline[], const char *legline[], const char *labx, const char *laby, const char *labtop)plstream
stripd(PLINT id)plstream
styl(PLINT nms, const PLINT *mark, const PLINT *space)plstream
surf3d(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel)plstream
surf3dl(const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT *const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT ixstart, PLINT ixn, const PLINT *indexymin, const PLINT *indexymax)plstream
svect(const PLFLT *arrow_x=NULL, const PLFLT *arrow_y=NULL, PLINT npts=0, bool fill=false)plstream
svpa(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax)plstream
sxax(PLINT digmax, PLINT digits)plstream
sxwin(PLINT window_id)plstream
syax(PLINT digmax, PLINT digits)plstream
sym(PLINT n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, PLINT code)plstream
szax(PLINT digmax, PLINT digits)plstream
timefmt(const char *fmt)plstream
translatecursor(PLGraphicsIn *gin)plstream
vasp(PLFLT aspect)plstream
vect(const PLFLT *const *u, const PLFLT *const *v, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT scale, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)plstream
vpas(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT aspect)plstream
vpor(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax)plstream
w3d(PLFLT basex, PLFLT basey, PLFLT height, PLFLT xmin0, PLFLT xmax0, PLFLT ymin0, PLFLT ymax0, PLFLT zmin0, PLFLT zmax0, PLFLT alt, PLFLT az)plstream
width(PLFLT width)plstream
wind(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax)plstream
xormod(bool mode, bool *status)plstream